Gets an array of point objects that satisfy the filter criteria specified in the request body.
The request body is of type object.
HasAlarm : boolean
filters the list of points based on the presence of alarm configuration
PointID : string
provides a wild card string to filter points by their PointID.
DeviceID : string
Device ID for the point, where the point data originates. If the point is a global point, the device is "$GLOBAL". If the point is an equation point, the device is $DERIVED.
ResourceID : string
provides a wild card string to filter points by their ResourceID.
PointTypeID : string
Point Type ID of the point (UINT, REAL, etc.)
Description : string
provides a wild card string to filter points by their Description.
AccessFilter : string
The value for this filter is set to 'E' or 'e', while character * can be used. When specified will return enterpirse points.
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MaxItems : integer
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The response body is of type ServerSettings.
results from the call
The results of the Settings Get.
MaxReadRequestObjects : number
The maximum number of objects that can be read in one call.
MaxWriteRequestObjects : number
The maximum number of objects that can be written in one call.
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